Reaching People World-Wide!
Our print magazines are widely known for their ability to reach locals And visitors alike in their target markets - but with our Flip-Book version you can reach people BEFORE they even arrive! Even better, many within your target market who were too slow to grab the latest month's copy of our print publication will download their Flip-Book version right to their desktop!

If you are looking to reach those visitors to your target market, either from within Taiwan, within your city or even from overseas - look no further than our Flip-Book city guides!

Six Exciting Editions!
Matching our three bi-lingual print magazines, we offer you Taiwan
Fun Taipei City Guide, Compass Magazine Taichung City Guide and
FYI South Southern Taiwan City Guide in Chinese-only and English-
only versions - allowing you to greater choice in choosing your target audience!


Contact us at our headquarters: (04) 2358-5466, 2358-5523



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Which Media Outlets are You Interested in?
All media
Taiwan Fun FLIP-Book (English)
Taiwan Fun FLIP-Book (Chinese)
Compass FLIP-Book (English)
Compass FLIP-Book (Chinese)
FYI South FLIP-Book (English)
FYI South FLIP-Book (Chinese)



Size: W: 390 pixels x H: 550 pixels (all ads this size)
Full Page: A full page where we choose the location
Page Prime: You choose the placement of your ad (if available)
Back Cover: the page directly to the left of the cover when the file is opened
+extra pages: After the first page, additional pages are much cheaper! You may place your extra pages in the same edition, or in different editions.
6 Pages: Since we have 6 editions, we provide you with a discount for 6 pages. You may place one in each edition, or put them all in one if you prefer!
1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months
1 Full Page NT$6000 NT$5700/mo NT$5400/mo NT$4800/mo
+ extra pages NT$2500 NT$2375/mo NT$2250/mo NT$2000/mo
6 Full Pages NT$15,000 NT$14,250/mo NT$13,500/mo NT$12,000/mo
1 Page Prime NT$10,000 NT$9500/mo NT$9000/mo NT$8000/mo
+extra pages NT$5000 NT$4750/mo NT$4500/mo NT$4000/mo
6 Pages Prime NT$30,000 NT$28,500/mo NT$27,000/mo NT$24,000/mo
Back Cover NT$30,000 NT$28,500/mo NT$27,000/mo NT$24,000/mo
+extra pages NT$15,000 NT$14,250/mo NT$13,500/mo NT$12,000/mo
All Editions NT$90,000 NT$85,500/mo NT$81,000/mo NT$72,000/mo
For Print Magazine Advertisers: We will deduct 20% of the total cash value of your print ads from your FLIP-Book version price
Payment in advance: 20% discount
Monthly Payment in advance: 10% discount
Advertising in Back Issues: 50% discount
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